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1. The Russenkinder association
2. The board of directors
3. Statutes of the association
4. Application for membership

1. The Russenkinder association
We have set ourselves the following goals, knowing full well that after so long it will be difficult to meet them. But we definitely want to try:
- Representing the interests of Russian children
- The provision of information
- Historical considerations
- Honoring our parents
- Create public
- Publish

We can express more wishes, unfortunately we have no influence on them. For example, there is still the question of what people can learn from our fates.
70 years have now passed since the end of World War II. Have people learned from our experiences? No, on the contrary.
Wars continue to be waged, people are murdered, abducted, raped, livelihoods are destroyed.
Are we asked about our experiences? No, the winners' interests in war outweigh the human suffering caused.
With our experiences and résumés we want to be a voice in the choir of those who oppose violence and who remind of the consequences.

Anatoly Rothe
Skladanowskystr. 27
13156 Berlin

Bank details:
Account name: Russian children
VR-Bank Altenburger Land eG / Deutsche Skatbank
IBAN DE 2983 0654 0800 0485 0009

2. The board of directors

Berlin, October 26th, 2019
On October 26, 2019, the previous board was adopted with thanks at the general meeting.
Mr. Anatoly Rothe became chairman and Dr. Ingrid Thomas and Mr. Michael Lerche elected unanimously.

3. Statutes of the association "Russenkinder e.V."
Version dated January 23, 2016
§ 1 (name, seat)
1. The association bears the name "Russenkinder".
2. It is to be entered in the register of associations and then has the addition “e. V. "
3. The seat of the association is Berlin.
§ 2 (purpose)
1. The association is an association for the children of Soviet Army members who were born in Germany.
He regards it as his task to publicize and perceive their interests. Among other things, this is done through the public presentation of fates.
Furthermore, the association is a contact point for those who have not yet started to clarify their history. He provides information and help in this context.
The exchange of experiences and their passing on are also part of it.
Due to the various circumstances that occurred and occur in this context, the association enables anonymous claims.
The association also gives natural and legal persons a platform to help him with his work.
2. The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “tax-privileged purposes” of the tax code.
The association is selflessly active; it pursues exclusively charitable purposes.
The association's funds may only be used for statutory purposes.
The members do not receive payments from the association.
No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the corporation or by disproportionately high remuneration.
§ 3 (membership)
1. Any natural or legal person who is willing to stand up for the goals of the association can become a member of the association.
2. The board of directors decides on admission after a written application. In the case of minors, the application for membership must be submitted by the legal representative.
3. Resignation from the association is permitted at any time. It must be declared to the board in writing.
4. A member can be expelled from the association if his behavior grossly violates the interests of the association. The general assembly decides on the exclusion with a simple majority of those present.
5. Membership ends with the death of the member (in the case of legal persons with their expiry).
6. The resigned or excluded member has no claim against the association's assets.
7. Membership fees are not charged
8. Donations are used in accordance with the statutes. If they are used for a specific purpose, they are used accordingly.

§ 4 (honorary membership)
1. In appreciation of their life's work and as an expression of our respect and love, mothers and fathers of “Russian children” can be awarded honorary membership of the association.
2. An honorary member of the association can also become someone who helps the association in the fulfillment of its tasks to a special degree by acting and supporting the association's work.
3. The decision to award the title is made by the board with a simple majority.


§ 5 (Board of Directors)
1. The entire board of the association consists of the chairman and two board members. In the case of necessary board resolutions, the chairman has the casting vote.
2. The board of directors within the meaning of § 26 BGB consists of the chairman. He also represents the association individually.
3. The executive committee is elected by the general assembly for a period of two years; however, he remains in office until a new election has taken place.

§ 6 (General Assembly)
1. The ordinary general assembly takes place once a year. In addition, a general meeting must be called if the interests of the association so require or if at least 1/10 of the members request it in writing, stating the purpose and reasons.
2. Each general meeting is to be called in writing by the board of directors, observing an invitation period of 6 weeks and stating the agenda.
3. The chairman of the meeting is the chairman and, if he is unable to do so, the second chairman. If both are not present, a meeting leader will be elected by the general meeting.
4. Each duly convened general meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of members present.
5. The resolutions of the general meeting are made with a simple majority of the valid votes cast. However, a majority of 3⁄4 of the valid votes cast is required to change the statutes and the purpose of the association.
6. Minutes are to be taken of the resolutions of the general assembly and signed by the chairman of the assembly.
§ 7 (dissolution, accumulation of the association's assets)
1. A majority of 4/5 of the valid votes cast is required to dissolve the association.
2. Upon dissolution of the association, withdrawal of legal capacity or loss
For tax-privileged purposes, the association's assets go to a non-profit association to be determined, which is dedicated to understanding between the German and Russian peoples.

Berlin, January 23, 2016

Application for membership
Anatoly Rothe
Skladanowskystr. 27
13156 Berlin

4. Application for membership in the association "Russenkinder e.V.

First name
Date of birth
Street, house number
Postcode & City

I accept the statutes of the association "Russenkinder e.V."

Date, signature